
What is the meaning of Zen?

by Guest32950  |  earlier

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  1. It's to go beyond your ego, which is very difficult, and Zen uses koans and meditations and almost anything to snap your identification of your consciousness to what you delusionally imagine is "you," such as your mind and body, which are both illusions. Because they are illusions, Zen's approach is paradoxical and confusing to the self that is taken for granted as being real.

  2. well my opinion..almost like a state where ur at a ninja..i guess u can say a state of meditation maybe..of maybe like your ultimate level of self-actualization

  3. Zen is something if you look for you will spend a life time and never find it.

    Zen is something if you never ever sought after it you would already be living it.

    Zen is something that the minute it was uttered it would be gone.

    Zen is something that if never uttered would be all around you.

    Zen is something that can never be seen.

    Zen is something seen that never could be.

    Zen is something that can never be heard.

    Zen is something heard that never could be.

    Zen is something that can never be told .

    Zen is something told that never could be.

    Zen is more then enlightenment, enlightenment is just a stage of buddhism.

    Zen is a life style it is something that can take some a life time to achieve and for others to achieve a life time of Zen.

    And that is as close to the meaning of Zen that the soul can perceive.

  4. Zen is the awareness of nothingness.

  5. It transcends meaning.

  6. Good question!

    Zen is a Japanese school of Buddhism, initially developed in China, where it is known as Ch'an. Instead of doctrines and scriptures, Zen stresses mind-to-mind instruction from master to discipline in order to achieve satori (awakening of Buddha-nature).

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  7. Broken karma.

  8. for me it is a feeling of completeness in what is natural rather than commericail so it is an authentic whole feeling. Just thinking of the word made me feel a genuine feeling of peace & I noticed my breathe in a deep & refreshing way. It is a simple no clutter way. A person has t0 experience it to know what it is, it is a feeling of being connected to all that is real.  

  9. Life.

  10. Zen is Meditation. It's the pursuit of enlightenment by becoming still and being in the light of consciousness.

    The latter chapters in this book will explain that kind of worship in western terms....

    It is my opinion that all the great religions started with a spiritual practice similar to effortless Zen, but in most cases the practice was lost because these practices are normally passed along in private.

    I hope this was a help. It's something well worth knowing about.

  11. Creative Zen mp3 player. imao.

    alamak - Zen is japanese buddha's teaching.

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