
What is the meaning of double foul in volley ball?

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What is the meaning of double foul in volley ball?




  1. Well the above answers are on the right track!  You will note though that a double foul is dependent on both fouls occurring at the same time, hence the greatest liklihood is when play is at the net.  Examples might be simultaneous holding of the ball by opponents at net during blocking, or simultaneous net touching by opponents.  most other vioations are controlled by precedence.  For example a serve not clearing the net and a player standing out of rotation, the out of rotation occurs before the serve is declared a fault and hence no replay.  Same with a player standing outside the court upon serve.  When a spiker and blocker make "simultaneous " contact  during a normal spike from attacker's side, and the ball lands OUT, the spiker is deemed to have made the first play (or else the blocker has "illegally played the ball before the attack" -itself a violation) and so blocker loses -NO REPLAY!

    Enjoy the game

  2. A double foul occurs when opposing players commit rule violations at the same time. For a double foul during a live ball play, a replay is called.

  3. Finally a rules question for me to answer and loud_mojo not only beat me to answering the question, but answered it perfectly.  

    If the first referee can not determine which was first, then the replay is issued.

  4. Wow, Gordon was beaten by one hour :)

    Had they both posted at the same time and were both wrong answers (sorry for the assumption, but no offense please), it would have been called a double foul. Had Gordon been one second late, the foul would go to the other team (so sometimes one hour late is good :)).

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