
What is the meaning of fencing?

by  |  10 years, 9 month(s) ago

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Fencing is related from sports. Would someone tell me what is the meaning of fencing?




  1. Bobmitchell
    The English term fencing, in the sense of "the action or art of using the sword scientifically" (OED) dates to the late 16th century, introduced to denote systems designed for the Renaissance rapier. The first known use of defens in reference to Renaissance swordsmanship is in William Shakespeare's Merry Wives of Windsor: "Alas sir, I cannot fence." This specialized usage replaces the generic fight (Old English feohtan).

    The verb to fence is derived from the noun fence, with an original meaning of "the act of defending", etymologically derived from Old French defens "defence", ultimately from the Latin. The first attestation of Middle English fens "defence" dates to the 14th century.

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