
What is the meaning of greenfield airport?

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will chennai's upcoming greenfield airort be better than hyderabad?




  1. Green Field = all new.

    Chennai vs Hyderabad.

    We are far away to realise which one would be better.

    BUT, behind the scene, this is going to be another battle for gaining importance.

  2. A new airport built from scratch - just like the new airport at Hyderabad.

  3. greenfield is a project which lacks any constraints imposed by prior work. The image is that of construction on greenfield land, where there is no need to remodel or demolish an existing structure. Such projects are often coveted by software engineers for this reason, but in practice, they can be quite rare.

  4. A Greenfield airport is one which is built from scratch on a new (undeveloped) site. Therefore, it has no constraints due prior work/existing infrastructure etc.

  5. In view of the fact that there are already a sufficient number of

    airports, many of which are not viable, greenfield airports will

    normally not be taken up either in the public or private sector without the prior approval of the Government. In the case of the Other Airport category run by private operators, the approval of the DGCA would suffice as at present.

    § A greenfield airport may be permitted where an existing airport is unable to meet the projected requirements of traffic or a new focal point of traffic emerges with sufficient viability. It can be allowed both as a replacement for an existing airport or for simultaneous operation. This aspect will have to be clearly spelt out in the notice inviting tenders.

    § No greenfield airport will normally be allowed within an aerial distance of 150 kilometers of an existing airport. Where it is allowed as a second airport in the same city or close vicinity, the parameters for distribution of traffic between the two airports will be clearly spelt

    out.§ The Government may, while permitting a greenfield airport, decide whether it will be in the public or private sectors or be taken up as a joint venture. § Where the Government decides to set up a greenfield airport through

    the AAI on social considerations even though the same is not

    economically viable, suitable grant-in-aid will be provided to AAI to cover both the initial capital cost as well as the recurring losses.”

    2. Promoters

    The Central Government, Airports Authority of India, State

    Government, a local self Government Institution e.g. Municipality,Corporation etc., a private company, a consortium or a group ofindividuals can act as the promoter for the greenfield airport eitherindividually or jointly.

    3. Pre-feasibility Study Stage

    The promoter, after preliminary clearance of Ministry of Civil Aviation on his proposal in the first instance, will commission a pre-feasibility report to study the overall potential of the project and see whether the project is attractive enough to warrant detailed study. The study should cover demand, technical, manpower, financial, economic and

    social modules of the project. The study may also utilize secondary research and information. The promoter shall submit the prefeasibility report to the Ministry for further approval. The cost of the pre-feasibility will be borne by the promoter.

    4. Detailed Feasibility Study Stage

    Based on study of pre-feasibility report, the promoter shall again approach the Central Govt. for preliminary clearance of undertaking a detailed Techno-Economic Feasibility Study (TEFS). The Central Govt. after due examination of all modules of pre-feasibility study will determine whether the project shows promise of meeting the financial, economic and social criteria which have been set for public

    investment expenditure. In case, the Govt. find it appropriate, it may permit the promoter to take up detailed TEFS.

    5. The primary promoter will commission a TEFS including simulation study for conflict free operation by a competent professional body.Cost of TEFS including the simulation study will be borne by the primary promoter. During this phase, the accuracy of variables will be

    further improved to see if the project has potential for success. This may require primary research etc.

    6. Upon establishing the technical / financial viability through sensitivity analysis of realistic traffic and revenue projections, as emerging from the TEFS, the primary promoter will submit the proposal to the Ministry with full justification, inter alia, enclosing the TEFS and other studies in this regard. Such proposal shall cover the respective State

    Government’s commitments to the proposal in respect of acquisition of land, supply of water and power, construction of access roads and other financial support. It is only after TEFS that the most important decision has to be made whether the project should be approved.

    7. Site Selection

    Site selection for any Greenfield airport will be undertaken by the promoters at pre-feasibility stage only in consultation with Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) including AAI, Ministry ofEnvironment & Forest, Ministry of Defence (MOD).

    In case, the Greenfield airport is proposed at a location, which has an existing airport, while taking the decision to accord approval for the Greenfield airport, the Government would also decide whether the existing airport would be closed down or the new airport would be a second airport with full-fledged simultaneous commercial operations.

    In case, the existing airport is decided to be closed down, the

    unrecovered investments of AAI in the existing airport will have to be

    compensated by a suitable mechanism such as share in the

    concession fee to be given by the greenfield operator to the Govt.

    The Government shall, in general, promote competition in setting up

    a greenfield airport in addition to the existing one.

    If a Greenfield airport is established in lieu of an existing AAI airport,

    the existing airport with all assets will revert to AAI. AAI may decide

    on the future usage of the airport in consultation with Ministry of Civil


    The issue of providing employment to AAI’s employees working at

    the AAI airport after its closure has engaged attention of the Govt.

    The JVC will absorb AAI employees subject to merit and efficiency in

    operational/ management deptt. against vacancies at the airport.

    8. Detailed Design Stage and Approval

    Based on the TEFS and State Government/Promoters’

    recommendations, the Central Government will consider giving

    approval for the airport project as per the extant policy. The approval

    will be given by the Union Cabinet as per the Civil Aviation Policy.

    The Central Government after approval will then go ahead to develop

    detailed design of the project which should then result in formulation

    of operational plan. At this stage, the project can once again be

    reviewed whether it shall meet required criteria.

    9. Project Implementation Stage

    A Steering Committee is set up by State Govt. / promoter comprising

    of officials of the State Govt. and the Ministry of Civil Aviation as this

    stage involves coordination and allocation of resources. This

    Committee will oversee the implementation of the project, funding

    proposal, preparation of tender and other documents, bidding and

    selection of the preferred investor. The State Govt./ promoter will

    designate an agency preferably a PSU to coordinate the activities

    and assumes responsibilities and authority for moving ahead in areas

    related to the above.

    10. Setting up a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV)

    The State Govt./ promoter shall set up a SPV wholly owned buy it to

    begin with. Later, on the selection of successful bidders, the private

    investor will be inducted in the SPV with 74% equity shares

    11.Public Private Partnership (PPP) Model

    The State Government as a primary promoter may consider joint

    venture (JV) with private investors through Public Private Partnership

    Model (PPP). In case it proposes to have a joint venture with private

    promoters, it shall be the primary responsibility of the State

    Government to choose private sector partners through a transparent

    competitive bidding process subject to the guidelines on foreign

    equity participation.

    12.State Govt./ AAI may also participate in the JV with equity which will

    be limited to 13% each (Rs. 50 crores cap or 13%, whichever is lower

    in case of AAI)

    13. Bidding Process

    The Joint Venture Partner / Greenfield Operator shall be selected by the

    State Govt. through a transparent competitive bidding process based on

    technical and financial criteria. While inviting bids from prospective

    bidders by the State Govt./ promoters, the draft Concession Agreement

    (CA), Shareholder Agreement (SHA), State Support Agreement (SSA),

    Land Lease Agreement (LLA), (CNS/ATM) Agreement, principles of

    Finance Agreement, principles of Airport Operator Agreement along with

    format of commitment from lenders regarding debt/ equity will be

    furnished to the pre-qualified bidders. Before inviting technical and

    financial bids, these documents will be frozen in consultation with Pre-

    Qualified Bidders (PQBs).

    14. Selection Criteria

    It may be divided into technical and financial criteria. The technical criteria

    may include financial, development and management abilities. A broad list

    of these will be made part of the bid documents. The financial criteria

    could be the minimum bid for State Support and viability gap funding or

    maximum concession fee.

    15. The successful bidder inducted into SPV through SHA shall use the

    Detailed Project Report (DPR) for realizing and operationalizing the

    project implementation.

    16. Viability Enhancement :- The greenfield airport project can be made

    viable by following means:-

    (i) Land and external infrastructure provided by the State

    Government for the airport on lease through Land Lease

    Agreement with variety of combinations such as token lease,

    moratorium on lease, deferred payment of lease etc.

    (ii) The State Government may enter into a State Support

    Agreement in addition to Land Lease Agreement with the

    greenfield airport operator providing for State Support such

    as grant, infrastructure loan, interest free loan etc.

    (iii) Central Government may levy an Advance Development Fee

    (ADF) from embarking passengers at the existing airport or

    for the development of new airport on terms and conditions

    as per ADF rules framed by the Ministry.

    (iv) The Greenfield airport operator may be allowed to levy a

    User Development Fee (UDF) at the new airport, subject to

    the Regulatory regime in force.

    (v) Aeronautical Charges may be leviable at the airport shall be

    as approved by the Govt./ Regulator.

    (vi) The Passenger Service Fees (PSF) levied at all airports

    would be applicable to the Greenfield airports also. ADF /

    UDF would be charged in addition to the PSF. PSF being

  6. could be a green field runway is a rice field somewhere

  7. Greenfield land is a term used to describe a piece of undeveloped land, either currently used for agriculture or just left to nature..

    hence when airport is airport is build on such a land is called green field airport.

    Chennai International Airport is the third largest international gateway into the country and the third busiest airport in India after Mumbai and Delhi, and the main air hub for south India, handling just under 10 million passengers in 2005 and serving more than 50 different airlines. It is also an important cargo terminus for the country, after Mumbai. Chennai is also a hub airport for Jet Airways, Deccan, Air Sahara (now JetLite), and Air India. It is the airport which is usually considered after Delhi and Mumbai to operate flights to and from any country.

    Probably looks better

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