
What is the meaning of life?

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What is the meaning of life?




  1. well my opinion is also to serve god, and love it!

  2. w.e you want it to be dude

    i have to get to heaven.

    others might want to live a good life so they dont get reincarnated to a roach.

    life is wat you make it

  3. different people are here for different reasons and purposes.

    once you find yours im sure you will be happy

  4. i was once told  the meaning of life is to pay rent to god for living here on earth. We pay him in love. kinda hard to understand but if we show love to someone theres more love in the air. 2nd meaning of life try to look at life from a different pair of binoculars.  Study the past, if you would divine the future.

  5. To live, love, and have fun. To make some sort of imprint and/or improvement on the sad and pathetic planet that we have destroyed and hope to make it a better place to live. However I believe that point to all life is just to entertain the people up above, if they do in fact exist. They must get bored, too, watching nothingness for all of eternity. Why else would we be here? We're the perfect entertainment, and I'm sure other life forms are as well. There's a little bit of everything here: action, drama, romance, children appropriate things, etc.

  6. The meaning of life is that there is no meaning - that's the beauty of it. every one gets all excited and arrogant about who we are and what we're doig here but we're only here for a bit, then we'll s***w it all up for the last time and die out. Some other something will get a go after us and I;d be amazed if they don't do a better job of it. Other than that, the meaning of life should be Love, Motorbikes and White Russians (the drink!).

  7. you have to know that religion was meant to play a bigger role in our lives then most people have it playing.

    You are also supposed to enjoy it more.

    I mean what is the real reason we do work (to have fun) and we are losing that meaning.

    We work to earn the money to play.

  8. whoa. Thats a tough one. I, as a christian, believe the meaning of life is "to honor and serve god." After all. It was Him who gave us life. :)

  9. It is that you need to get a life!!!  YES YOU!!!!

  10. Life is as you take it.. Its all about how you deal, react, response to the things that comes to you in life...

    Life is wasted and worse if you haven't done anything for youreslf..  Of course after next to your family and friends ..

  11. One more time, sniper my butt, Life is natures way of keeping the meat fresh.

  12. A good question. To me, we come into this world to accomplish something. We have the ability to this for good or bad. There are no restrictions. I may know upon my death what my purpose of being here is. Two things are for sure, no matter what any "human made" religion preaches: when your body no longer lives, you will be in either eternal sleep. (Like going to sleep in bed at night) OR there will be something you or anyone else can even begin to imagine. I have no fear of death as I can only win.

  13. Its to live with people you love & taking care ............also having a good relationship with Him.

  14. To reproduce- in other words, to create life.

  15. good question. three ways. to live rich,good,or streets

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