
What is the meaning of love for u? For me i didn't get what love is? give me some ideas i am confused! ?

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What is the meaning of love for u? For me i didn't get what love is? give me some ideas i am confused! ?




  1. Love is not a feeling. It's an ability. lol Ok, seriously...............I honestly don't know. At first I thought it was being with someone and being faithful, loving unconditionally and all that stuff. Later on, it occurred to me that is imperfection. It's the all the bad, that really feels good. A dark fairy-tale. A dark knight. is abnormality. The weirdest things at the weirdest times. Non-conforming. is pain.

    ....According my definition.

  2. for me love is patient and kind, it is a feeling that is so special that involves trust, respect and understanding.

    when i love someone i just don't say it but i also show my love to him in simple ways that he would appreciate it. i may not be as beautiful as a celebrity or as intelligent as Einstein but still i know how to love a person. and one more thing is when you say you love a person you shouldn't be hurting her or dictating her life you must understand one another and try to develop a great bond which starts with friendship. God Bless you

  3. i honestly dont know. because i thought i had love, but it ended, and now I'm confused. But what i HOPE love is:

    appreciating someone for every little reason that makes them THEM and forgiving/overlooking/not caring about their flaws, because it also is a part of them.

    i love this quote: love is friendship set on FIRE.

  4. love is caring and sharing about someone.

    love is looking forward and feeling fullnest in being with him/her.

    love is having no secrets between the couple and looking forward to tomorrow.

    love is living and spenting time together and sharing the good and bad and cherishing them together.

    love is going into the unknown together and solving them together...suffering or enjoying.

    maybe you may find more then this in Love?

    good luck.

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