
What is the meaning of ovulus

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the word ovulus is referring to a piece of paranormal equipment that i am trying to find




  1. its a baby name

  2. Hello,

    It is called the "Ovilus 1" and it is about $200 if I remember correctly.

    Check out the website, that is where I found it.  As far as how it works, as I understand it, it takes electro-magnetic fields, extremely-low-frequency fields and temperature variations and transforms them through digital means into a number.  That number is assigned to a specific word which is the end result.  I have not bought one yet, but am considering it since I am a paranromal investigator.  However, like all things in this field, while not definite, it deserves further research.  

    The lights on the device represent dowsing rods, and how the lights flash in certain patterns would mean if the "rods" were crossed, straight, etc.  They state in the downloadable pdf format manual that it is for entertainment purposes only, which I understand them wanting a disclaimer due to lawsuits, etc. but it seems that it may be worth experimenting with.  It seems like a much more user-friendly version of "Frank's Box".  But, as I said, not owning one myself, I cannot confirm or deny its credibility.

    Hope this helps, and good luck.

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