
What is the meaning of plagiarism?

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What is the meaning of plagiarism?




  1. plagiarism is intentionally - and even unintentionally - copying someone else's words or ideas, directly or indirectly.   Even if you do not know you have plagiarized - which yes, can happen - you are liable for the consequences. To avoid plagiarism, you must cite the source by either correctly giving him or her credit in parenthesis after the information or quote using a specific format (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.), or directly stating in your sentence that the information is taken from elsewhere.

    Mr. Bob of New York stated in the New York Times that the new movie was boring and "almost made him fall asleep."

    The newly anticipated movie was not a big hit for many moviegoers this weekend as it was deemed "boring" by many - with no comedic effects as promised -  and almost even made some viewers fall asleep ( New York Times).  

    As long as you cite where you got your information from, you are good.  If you don't give credit to the person who contributed the info, then you have plagiarized.  Plagiarizing is illegal, and you can be kicked out of school or fail pending on the schools' policies.  Make sure you cite your sources and use proper citation (citation types vary and many types exist, with various being appropriate for different media and publications).

  2. plagiarism is when you copy somebody's writing and call it your own. So if i took a quote off the internet, and said i wrote it, thats plagiarisim. The deffinition by the dictionary is: "The practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own."

    Hope i helped


  3. plagiarism is when u write, copy, etc, etc something that has already been said or written without permission by the other person

  4. Stealing from one person.

    If you steal from many people, it's research.

  5. Plagearism is paraphrasing (putting ideas which are not yours in your own words), or directly copying something off a book or basically anything that you did not wirte WITHOUT placing an in-text citation next to it. If you don't cite ideas gotten from other people, you are stealing them, and, if you are caught, the consequences can be very, very brutal. You won't plagiarize if you don't cite ideas that are yours or ideas that are common knowledge (e.g., a dog has four legs). What I just told you can be considered common knowldege, so I didn't cite anything :P However, if you cite what you're supposed to, you'll be fine. Be careful, and I hope this helps :)

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