
What is the meaning of "BATTING ON A VERY STICKY WICKET?

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In cricket this phrase has been in use for a long time. To quote Wikipedia:

"An early example of the term can be seen in Bell's Life in London, July 1882: "The ground... was suffering from the effects of recent rain, and once more the Australians found themselves on a sticky wicket."

However, now this word has acquired a methaphorical meaning. My questions are:

1. What is the meaning of batting on a sticky wicket?

2. Do you often find yourself batting on a sticky wicket?

3. Will it be correct to say that this particular person is the #1 batsman on a sticky wicket ?

4. Name this person? Full name please.

5. Why is she happy and what is she saying?


Rehman of Multan




  1. 1. Sticky Wicket - This phrase is a direct allusion to the difficulty of playing on a wet and sticky pitch. Batting is difficult as the ball

    would help the bowlers - could be uneven bounce, spin and


    2. My life has always been living with sticky wicket. But with all

    God's help and the way I have been brought up makes it to deal

    with them with responsibility. These days I get to play only

    tennis and but get into sticky situations as well. Sometimes you

    win and loose some - thats life.

    3. Oh....yeah!!! She is the royal highness with no regard to

    human life. She proclaims herself to be Queen of Shemales

    who sold nuclear secrets to India in return to allow importing Indian mangoes. She is a war monger and her colleagues are

    all in the same brand. Once retired from current presidency

    she will be leading the US Cricket team.

    4. Gerog(ia) Walker Bush(ie)

    5. Oh dear!!! I am made the queen for lying about the WMDs

    and taking my country to war. First I ruined the baseball team,

    then the state of Texas and next I put my country down, but

    I do bully around all other nations. Oh my!!! any one please

    let's play cricket and have a cup of tea.

  2. it means batting on a dangerous wicket and difficult to play wicket.

  3. Hi

    Batting on a Sticky Wicket means  .. A Pitch will aid swing Bowling because of the Moisture in the Pitch.. or a wet wicket

    No , Not that much

    Yeah ..absolutely

    George  Walker  Bush Jr.

    She has won the Crown for The Best Lair in The  world and also for Instigating Hatred


  4. 1...What 1 in a million

    2...I will be honest and say i have never played 1 'real' match in my life so this number 2 question does not apply to myself....

    3...Only thing this person does is wreck everyones life...

    4..This person just happens to be the American president-Mr George WALKER Bush...

    5....She is so over whelmed as she has just been voted as the most Dispicable and Disliked person in the United States Of America-"Her Quote'.."Thank you all my dedicated followers,i am so grateful you see me and the best bimbo to run this country,dont worry i promise to send more soldiers over to the war to be killed and mamed,i also promise to make the most of my time in this beautiful blue dress,i am going to fly right over to Iraq and let those muscle men have their way with me,after all it has been a long time in between woman for those men,and by god ar'nt i one h**l of a good looking woman"....

    Thank you for this opportunity to show my self up once again...

  5. 1. What is the meaning of batting on a sticky wicket?

    The simple meaning is to bat on an unplayable and difficult pitch.

    2. Do you often find yourself batting on a sticky wicket?

    Not in cricket, but in different real-life

    3. Will it be correct to say that this particular person is the #1 batsman on a sticky wicket ?

    I feel he is the one preparing such sticky

    4. Name this person? Full name please.

    The beautiful and s**y George Walker Bush!!!

    5. Why is she happy and what is she saying?

    "I am the one who is responsible for popularizing the game of Cricket in the U.S.!!"

  6. 1) The metaphorical meaning of batting on a sticky wicket is to find yourself in difficulty on account of your position on a certain issue. Or, according to the Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms, batting on a sticky wicket means "to be in a difficult situation because you have not behaved in the correct way."

    E.g.: You know you're batting on a sticky wicket when you default on paying your taxes.

    2) Everyone finds themselves batting on a sticky wicket at one time or another. However, the frequency of such occasions can be reduced by being tolerant, unbiased and open to other people's opinions, and by treating all men equally and by asserting every person's inherent worth.

    3) Correct if by #1 you mean the person who finds himself (herself!) batting on a sticky wicket most often.

    Not the #1 batsman on a sticky wicket if you mean this person's ability to handle playing on a sticky wicket. Most of the time, the person in question makes himself look very stupid when he finds himself on a sticky wicket.

    4) George Walker Bush

    5) I don't know what she is saying, but it certainly can't be very enlightening. She is happy because the world recognises her as a needless warmonger, which was her goal in the first place.

  7. batting on a sticky wicket is used to say that  batting is very difficult on a pitch and sometimes dangerous. the ball will spin, seam and bounce sharply and unpredictably. a sticky wicket is normally caused by the overnight rains and is in the process of drying. a hard crust forms over the soft wet soil. this is what helps the ball spin, seam and bounce unpredictably.

    i have batted on a sticky wicket before. can't get too many runs. it stays low, bounces sometimes, spins a lot, it seams uncontrolably.

    tendulkar is a person is no.1 at batting on a stick wicket. he has good reaction time and adaptation skills.

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