
What is the meaning of "additive multilingualism"?

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What is the meaning of "additive multilingualism"?




  1. I think you can extract the definition from the following context:

    " ... The language policy is currently being revised and we will advise schools once the revised policy has been gazetted. The policy will refine our approach to these issues.

    The Language in Education Policy recognises the critical importance of mother-tongue as the language of the heart and the hearth.

    The policy also promotes additive multilingualism. This means that learners must learn additional languages at the same time as maintaining and developing their home languages.

    Additive multilingualism makes it possible for learners to acquire complex skills such as reading and writing in their strongest language. They are then able to transfer these skills to their additional language. ..."

    The policy of the WCED is to provide mother-tongue instruction in the Foundation Phase, followed by additive multilingualism in subsequent phases, in line with national policy.

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