
What is the meaning of "initial time" and Increment , in time setting in yahoo chess?how its effect the game?

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What is the meaning of "initial time" and Increment , in time setting in yahoo chess?how its effect the game?




  1. initial time means the length of the game

  2. Just as in USCF, these are similar to what are called Sudden Death Time Controls.  Typically they are used to allow players time to write their moves if they are playing.  Usually by this time, both players have used their standard time controls (40 moves in 2 hours, followed by 20 moves in 1 hour).  SDTC is 1 hour with 3 or 5 seconds added to the players time to offset writing.

    In Yahoo Chess, the idea is similar.  Each side will start with an initial time limit (say, 10 minutes).  Following each move, there will be an increment amount of time awarded to each player follwing their move (say, 15 seconds).  If you would like to use a different time, you can do so by edit the feature under "create table".  You can also select "no timer" by toggling its respective box, bypassing the process entirely.

    The only real advantage to these functions is that you essentially can turn a timed game into a no time limit game.  Or if you have a slow connection, it gives you some breathing room.  But be warned, those who have difficulty in timed games by taking too long to move will still likely lose to time expiring so it is not an insurance for you.  Also, be leery of tables boasting low initial times and high increment times, as this is a common trick of users who use programs like Fritz 10 or Chessmaster Challenge to play their move and improve their ratings.

    Hope this answered your question and left you a few more to ponder.  See you on the field of 64.

  3. Initial time is the amount of time the game is given.  If you are given 5 minutes, the clock will tick down from 5 minutes to zero and then you lose.  Increments are how much time you get each time you make a move.  If it's 1 minutes, then everytime you make a move you gain 1 minutes of time.  It effects the game by making players play faster, no stalling.

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