
What is the meaning of <span title="Bio-Degradable/Composites?">Bio-Degradable/Composites...</span>

by Guest62376  |  earlier

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Dear all bio-scientists/chemists,

May I know what is the meaning and difference of Bio-degradable & Bio-composites?

Your highly professions and kind answers are highly appreciated.




  1. What are biocomposites?

    Biocomposites combine plant fibers with resins to create natural based composite materials. A variety of plant fibers with high tensile strength can be used including kenaf, industrial hemp, and flax.  Fibers can be combined with traditional resins or newer plant based resins. The result is a plant based alternative for many traditional steel and fiberglass applications.

    Advantages over traditional composites

    Reduced weight

    Increased flexibility

    Greater moldability

    Less expensive

    Sound insulation

    Renewable resource

    Value-Added Agriculture

    Biocomposites introduce an additional profit component for current agricultural economies. As products are developed to use biocomposites the demand for locally grown fiber crops will increase. The development of fiber processing facilities will become necessary and will create jobs in rural areas.    

    Current and Potential Applications

    Vehicle door panels (currently used by most automobile manufacturers for most interior panels)

    Interior furniture panels

    Industrial equipment panels

    Partition panels

    Acoustic panels




    A &quot;biodegradable&quot; product has the ability to break down, safely and relatively quickly, by biological means, into the raw materials of nature and disappear into the environment. These products can be solids biodegrading into the soil (which we also refer to as compostable), or liquids biodegrading into water. Biodegradable plastic is intended to break up when exposed to microorganisms (a natural ingredient such as cornstarch or vegetable oil is added to achieve this result).

    Sustainable disposal of any product requires that its wastes return to the earth and are able to biodegrade. Nature biodegrades everything it makes back into basic building blocks, so that new living things can be made from the old. Every resource made by nature returns to nature-plants and animals biodegrade, even raw crude oil will degrade when exposed to water, air, and the necessary salts. Nature has perfected this system-we just need to learn how to participate in it

  2. as far as i know, biodegardables are any organic or inorganic compositions which are brkoen into or processed into natural components by natural factors, which are completely assimilated into the nature without having any residue and without having any impact on the ecological balance. but wht r composite, i will as much appreciate the information as u will.

  3. Look it up on

    But I think bio-degradeable means that it will rot down into the earth and not cause any damage.

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