
What is the meaning of the Greatful Dead Dancing Bears????

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I know someone who has a Greatful dead dancing bear tattoo on the back of her neck?? All i know is the Name of it Cause at first i thought it was just a teddy bear??? Hers is Yellow and its holding a red flower?? Does the Color mean anything and what do they mean in all????




  1. Taken from :

    Dancing bears: A series of stylized dancing bears was drawn by Bob Thomas as part of the back cover for the album History of the Grateful Dead, Volume One (Bear's Choice).[43] The bear is a reference to Owsley "Bear" Stanley, who recorded and produced the album. Bear himself wrote, "... the bears on the album cover are not really 'dancing'. I don't know why people think they are, their positions are quite obviously those of a high-stepping march."

  2. I think its just a random tatoo.

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