
What is the meaning of the hadeeth “Do not inveigh against time for Allaah is time ”?

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Is the saying "Do not curse time for Allah is time" authentic from the Rasool's sayings ? If so, how do the scholars interpret this ? I am confused about this issue.




  1. Allah (SWT) is everywhere. He is closer than your jugular vein. He created everything, including time. I don't know what scholars say, but there's no need to be confused

    To the asker. I'm sorry to hear that you dislike a fellow Muslim. A Muslim who believes in allah (SWT) and the last Prophet.

    @ Asker. To me, Allah is everywhere, because He knows everything that goes on in this universe. Sufi's take that in the literal sense. I don't mean 'Allah is everywhere' literally, I mean it metaphorically, as in Allah knows everything.

  2. I'm totally about to have a Zen moment right now .

    IMO, what it may possibly mean is that one can enter into God's realm i;e Being , through the present which is a moment in eternity . The sufis beleive that time is a gateway to God , perhaps only a saint can explain this saying ( i don't even believe in hadith ) i'm incompetent on this stuff .

    Buddhists , Hindus and other unmentionables also hold on to this belief which is an interesting similarity.

  3. yes, true. Do not curse time,for Allah is time. this is because sometimes,which we feel or find is good for us may actually be not good for us and what we may find bad for us, may actaully be good for us. and when we do not get what we wish for, we curse time, we curse fate.. so that is indeed wrong as Allah is aware of all. you are to have strong faith in Allah, as he knows what is good and what is bad. what makes up a time? sun and the moon, and they rise and fall upon the command of Allah subhanawatala'a. so one should not curse the time~!

    Edit" Allah's knowledge and wisdom is present everywhere, not Allah physically, (naudubillah)

  4. It is like one say what a bad day today, I hate the day  when I was born,  or some thing like that, all those words r wrong and not permissible .  Day and night r the creatures of Allah & he only has command over it. It can't  do any effect on any thing & to any one.  Time has no control over what happens to any one. So when some one curses time it is retuned to the creator of this time (Allah) (nauthu billah ) that's Y Allah has made it  Haram on us to curse time  ÃƒÂ™Ã‚„ا تسبوا الدهر فأنا الدهر أقلب اليل والنهار

    and who ever does this has no faith on fate ( Qada wa Qadar )  

  5. The Best Hadith is

    "(On the day of judgment) the messenger will say, 'My Lord; my people have deserted THIS QURAN.' We thus set up against every prophet enemies from among the guilty. Your LORD SUFFICES AS A GUIDE AND SUPPORTER." (25:30-31)

    all hadith are confusing,no wonder why Prophet will say ."People Have Abandoned this Quran"

  6. I no the A but I feel someone like Abul Harith or Nomi give this A they r  much more learned & can give the evidence 4 it better.

    Good Q?  

  7. "It is authentically reported on the authority of Abu Hurairah (ra) that the Prophet (saas) said: "Allah (swt), Most Blessed, Most High, says: "The son of Adam wrongs Me: He curses time, though I am time: In My Hands are all things and I cause the night to follow the day." (Narrated by Bukhari).  In another narration, He (saas) says: "Do not curse time, for verily, time is Allah (swt)."

    Allah (swt ), Most Glorified, Most High informs us in this Hadith Qudsi, that man commits a great wrong against Allah (swt) when he curses time and attributes the occurrence of events to it, for Allah (swt) is the Rabb of time and the Disposer of affairs and it is by His Qadr that events take place. Therefore to curse time is to curse the Owner of time.

    In the second narration, the Prophet (saas) forbids us from cursing time, saying that Allah (swt) is the Owner of time and the Disposer of it and all events and affairs, and this is confirmation of what was reported in the preceding Hadith Qudsi.

    Benefits Derived From This Hadith

        1. The forbiddance of cursing time.

        2. That no actions may be attributed to time.

    Relevance of This Hadith to the Subject of the Chapter

    That it proves that to curse time is to commit a great wrong against Allah (swt).

    Relevance of This Hadith to the Subject of Tawheed

    That the Hadith proves that cursing time is a great wrong against Allah (swt), because those who do so believe that it is time which causes events to take place and this is shirk in Tawheed Ar-Ruboobiyyah, for it is Allah (swt), Alone Who determines events."

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