
What is the meaning of the quote "a man is happy so long he chooses to be happy and nothing can stop him"?

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It's not that I can't understand it. It's just that, I can't explain it clearly.....




  1. my friend it is rightly said so , because if a man chooses to be happy means he has a mindset which helps him observe a thing in particular aspects . for ex. if a man is not happy he even recognizes good things sorrowfully . so don't worry , be happy .

  2. man is capable of taking all decision including his happiness but he ussually fails to do 4 a simple reason that he always craves 4 things that he does not have and is not contented with what he has answer me one Q don't you think a low class person can also be happy. they are happy with the little they and this is what we people should learn if we learn to to see the glass half full then we will be happy with what we have then in real terms we will be happy so now have you understood how  to get your  happiness or how to choose your happiness. all the best and go ahead and choose your happiness ..

  3. I also highly recommend the site of many good quotes. Good luck!

  4. Happiness  truly comes from within. It's a state of mind, as the old saying goes. When you're set on being happy(or sad,or angry,for that matter) outside influences such as circumstances or the opinions of others won't change your mind.

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