
What is the meaning of this dream??

by Guest63852  |  earlier

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For a looong time now I have been having recurring dreams where there is some sort of emergency and I have to call 911, but in the dream I keep misdialing, or im unable to dial, or when I call there is someone on the other end not listening, or there is no one there. And in the dream i get extremely frustrated. Any ideas, I have had this happen in dreams for quite some time now.




  1. You are at a time in your life were things are difficult and you don't know what to do about it.  No one else can help you either . so here you are at the crossroad. The way out is through . Sorry that is all I can see. You will know if I'm right or not. dreams are our brains trying to sort out what is important . If it leaves you frustrated than something in your life is frustrating you.

  2. Here's a theory:  Subconciously you are concerned that you're unprepared or incapable of dealing with some of the problems in life that you are currently facing, or that you may face in the future.  911 represents "help" or a solution to your problems, but for some reason you can't get it to work.  Even when you do get through, you are left without a solution.  

    In my estimation, the bottom line appears to be that you feel helpless to solve something that you are concerned about.

  3. something bad is going to happen to some1 u love? i think...?

  4. Stress at work, school or home life...? It may also be that you have a subconscious fear of not being able to handle pressure situations.

  5. This recurring dream may be telling you that you are worried of something but you can't seem to get any help of any sort. Your frustration may be due to how people around you may not to listening to you or understand you. You may be trying to reach out but finding it extremely difficult to through to the people whom may be able to assist you with whatever you seem to find rather urgent or important to you.

  6. Your having communication problems.  The mis-dialing of the phone number would be a misunderstanding while communicating.  For instance your trying to explain something and the person doesn't 'get' what your saying.  Or your trying to describe something to someone and you have trouble saying what you mean, and it comes out all wrong.

    This is very frustrating.  What you need to figure out is who is this communication problem is with?  parents, partner, child?  

    Children hate parents nagging.  Parents hate children being  disrespectful, men and woman communicate different.  Men use logic and woman use emotion.  Who ever your communicating with use the above information as a guide and you can start communicating with them.

    Good luck!

  7. Dreams come from subconcsious thoughts that you had earlier that day. They are nothing more than a representation your brain produces when it's high. (Your brain releases a drug called DMT when you sleep. It's a very strong, very trippy drug that causes you to dream)

    Answer 2 is pretty much dead-on.

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