I am speaking about woman I knew that used it like and enjoy being called a s**t / w***e etc in and OUTSIDE the bedroom, in a certain context, like she used to love pretending she was offended, but really loved it.
This girl was not promiscous, she only had 4 sexual partners by the age of 29, 2 of those were long term partners, the 2 short term. she does not dress S****y and was not a freak in bedroom. she gave the impression in a sublte way to CERTAIN MEN, that she was. she came from a strict catholic background and her 3 elder sister are pious frigid etc, maybe that has something to do with it. SHE HATES it when her family call her names, and when women do.
She is not anti feminism, and does not call other women any names. she is well educated and she is 30 yrs old, do u think she will outgrow this?
i am just curious about her, what is your opinion?