
What is the message of this gospel reading? ?

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Mk 6; 17-29. It's about The Death of John The Baptist.

Pleeeease help! I need to write a paper on it for school!!! Thank you so much!




  1. Righteousness will always be opposed by evil... sometimes our lives are required of us in serving God,

    Do not be used to serve evil... ie Salome asking for John's head just because your mum asks you does not mean you must follow the evil plans

    Do not commit adultery

    Honour God's prophets when they come with a warning, you will pay if you fail to do so.

    there are so many messages!

  2. This reading is about when Herod had had done away with his own brother and then married his brother's wife. Herod knew all along that this was definately immoral and John the Baptist rubbed it in Herod's face so much that he couldn't stand it any longer, since John was a righteous man and John had the power to move people in certain ways with his talks and speeches about the evil king. Well, Herod's wife wouldn't stand up for that, and so she had Herod arrest John, but this wasn't enough for her, she had her daughter go and dance infront of the king. By pleasing the king with that little dance of hers, Herod was prepared to reward her with anything that would please her. Well the girl as instructed by her evil mother, had asked for the beheading of John. This was so unexpected of Herod, but nonetheless Herod was underoath, fulfilled the wish of the girl and thus had John beheaded. Herod had never intended the matter to go this far, but with the wife's intentions he had done her bidding.

  3. If you want to wow your class, let them know that John got his head back!

    Jesus said that John was Elias... and Elias appeared with Moses in the Transfiguration. So let your class know that John did get his head back. It's one of those things you just don't hear very often.

    More surprises on my bio.

  4. Well King Herod married his brother's wife Herodias & John had told him that it was against the law ...this infuriated Herodsia & she wanted John killed even though the king liked John.

    Then on the KIng's birthday he had a big party & Herodias's daughter did a s**y dance for him & he promised her he would give her anything she wanted  so she asked her Mum who saw thisas her big opportunity & suggested the daughter asks for John's head on  a plate ..

    Because the stupid King had made such a big deal of his promise in front of witnesses he couldn't back down  so poor old John lost his head & it was brought back to the party on a platter !

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