
What is the method of loading the sample in column in column chromatography?

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i am performing column chromatography on plant extract. my extract is in solid form




  1. I've done this many dozens of times.

    First, lets assume you have your column packed well with the right type of adsorbent.  There should be no gaps or channels where liquid can run through the gap.  Pour in the powder gradually while gently tapping the column to make the powder settle.  Leave a few inches of room at the top.

    You want the sample to be a narrow band at the top of the column.  The narrower the band, the better the components will be separated.

    If the sample is thick or solid, it can be warmed, or diluted in the proper solvent, or coated onto some column packing.  In any case, try to pack the sample into an even, narrow band at the top of the column.  A little plain column packing can be put on top to protect it.

    We would hold it all in place with a wad of cotton at the very top of the column.  Cotton also prevented the packing from coming out the bottom also.

    Our columns had ground glass fittings so that we could put a container on top and fill it with different solvents.  The cotton and powder above the sample prevented the incoming solvent from mixing up the sample which would completely ruin the separation.  As the solvent slowly flows straight past the sample, different components dissolve and are washed off to be collected at the bottom.  You can watch for colored bands, bands that glow in UV light, or use more sofisticated equipment to tell when an invisible band was coming off.

  2. there is no specific name for that....

    u just pour the sample into the column.

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