
What is the mexico lifestyle. i would want an answer preferibly from someone who lives/lived in mexico?

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What is the mexico lifestyle. i would want an answer preferibly from someone who lives/lived in mexico?




  1. youre only gonna sneak your way back in here so theres no get paid very little for work and youll probly live in a shack..thats the life you would probly live in mexico..

  2. it depends ,but let me tell you something, If you are an unskilled Aussie and work at Cole's or Woolworth's, and  get a job in Mexico [teaching English] for instance , perhaps you may get surprised by the similarity in both ways of living, in Mexico the unskilled people are usually poor, on the other hand if you live in Mexico and teach English even though you are AN unskilled person in Australia,when living  in Mexico you are skilled because you speak other language thus you can teach English  and earn a reasonable income as much as the check out kids who works at Woolworth's or Cole's in Australia.

    I'm Mexican born and breed I also visited Australia, and the things i stated before are pretty close to the truth.

  3. What do you mean, i live in Mexico, and by lifestylie you mean??...

    Yeah well i work part time and study, my family owns a couple of bussines, so i just work to pay for my own fun, i live in my own house, we have 4 cars, i have a pretty easy life going on, when i finish my studies, id like to get a good job.

    You can hang out outside i like to go to a cofee house or something like that to do my homeworks, catch up with friends, and some days go to a bar and have a nice time over there with the friends.

    If you earn over idk like 2 or 3 k dollars, you can afford a comfortable lifestyle, like a nice house, with gardens, decks, loan, cable tv or satellite tv, maid, garage, etc.

    Its up to everyone the way they live, but if you like to go to malls or something you can do that too( if you live in a big city of course), or some other particular things that you like to do or want to do  so maybe there are some things that you can't do, (like it's hard to find a grocery store open at 4 am or  go to an icering to skate , etc that kind of stuff).

    If you want some more specific help ask me =P maybe i haven't answered what you wanted to know hehe.

    hope it helps

  4. this is difficult to answer because it's not very specific.  if you are poor, life is very difficult.  you may live with your extended family, not have a lot of educational opportunities, and live paycheck to paycheck.  it's a cycle that's difficult to get out of.  but even these people are pleasant and they enjoy family and fun.

    if you are middle class or wealthy, the "lifestyle" is very similar to the US.  you go to school, or go to work.  you have meals with your family, you go out with your friends to have coffee or get a beer, you go to mass with your family, you may go to your ranch on the weekends, or your country club to play tennis or swim.

    major differences that i see...mexicans are able to balance work and homelife.  they are not "workaholics" and they will make family and friends a priority.  also, they are not "go go go" and will take more time for things...even if we (americans) feel it needs to happen much faster.

  5. i dont know exactly what you mean....but let me tell you that it is very similar to life in the USA ...EXCEPT that the proportions of who lives in each comfort level is very skewed in Mexico.

    by this i mean that in mexico the size of the poorest socioeconomic level is the biggest group while in the US its very small.  

    In the USA the middle class is very large (actually its the largest group) while in Mexico its almost nonexistent. middle class in Mexico is hard to achieve because if the way Mexico is set up.

    the ultra rich in Mexico (Mexico no has the most billionaires now--how embarrassing) is a  very exclusive and racist group.

    so if you are worried that you will live in poverty in mexico, you wont (well, unless you are poor).  if you have money you can actually live very very well in mexico.

    go to youtube and look up videos of mexican cites and see BMWs going down the road, see bigger houses than any in your neiborhood...mexico is a best kept secret.

    lots of gringos retire in mexico.

  6. deal drugs in america, make babies and have them join gangs to become majorities in the usa instead of minorities.

  7. You must live here to understand.

    To me, there is not difference living here or in USA.

    The cruel truth is that in México you can find the same things than in USA (services, products, fun, etcétera)  but it is not for everybody here. The poors and not educated can't efford this lifestyle; besides, there are regional differences: it is not the same living in northern and central states than in the poor southern states. It is false that every mexican wants to leave the country and go to the north, in part it is only the poor people and in part there is a myth on the "american dream".

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