
What is the mg of regular bottled flaxseed oil?

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Dr Budwig promotes blending 6 tablespoons of flaxseed oil with cottage cheese. But there are various strength of flaxseed oil out in the market. What strength of the oil is suggested?




  1. There is no "strength" of flax seed oil.  The main difference is wheather or not you want flax seed oil with lignans (little particles of flax seed still in the oil,) or without.  If you get an oil with lignans then the amounts of EPA and DHA (omega 3) will vary, as the particles are, for lack of a better term, "taking up room" in the oil and that is where those substances are found.  If you are taking 6 tablespoons a day however, I don't think that would really be enough to matter.

    I personally would get a flax oil without lignans to start with.  The lignans can be gritty and kinda gross if you ask me.  If you want them then just used ground flax seed itself.  Also, start out slow, because if you start taking that much at once (or in one day) you could get dirreah until your body is used to it.  Also, don't limit yourself to just cottage cheese.  I take mine in my morning smoothie and over a salad if I have one that day.

    Basically you can use flax seed oil for any application so long as you do NOT heat it in any way.  You can pour it over hot food that you are getting ready to eat, (think oatmeal or something,) but not before the cooking begins.   Anything cold is obviously fine too.  Also make sure the oil you buy has been kept refrigerated and that you keep it so after purchase.  Air, light, and heat all destroy the good omega 3 so be careful!  If it smells "off" then don't use it!

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