
What is the minimal age in Miami, FL can a child babysit other children/their younger brothers and sisters?

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Is 11 yrs. old too young for a child to babysit a 10, 6, 5, and 3 yr. olds? How long is too long/ What is the minimal hrs that the the 11 yr. old can babysit?




  1. no mininal age!

  2. Way to young I'd say. What 10 y/o is going to listen to an 11 y/o? Would you have listened?

    I lve in Fl and when there is an accident involving kids on the news they say," Kids left alone with 12 y/o'" They don't say 12 y/o babysitter.

    I know this is tough but can the younger 3 stay with someone else?

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