
What is the minimum I can live on in France as a student (in Euro please)?

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What is the minimum I can live on in France as a student (in Euro please)?




  1. You can find a nice studio with kitchenette for approximately 500Euro a month ($674.00).

    Most furnished temporary apartments have a fee of approximately 50 Euro a month for gas, elec, water/fees. ($67.00)

    Get an "orange card" Metro pass, it is the most economical, 53.50 Euro per month. ($64.00). This will get you everywhere around Paris. You don't want to drive here if you can help it. Traffic is awful.

    Dining out is expensive but if you cook at home and go grocery shopping, count on about  45 Euro a week. 45x4 = 180 Euro a month ($243.00) - relatively healthy meals.

    Laundry, telephone, misc., 25 Euro a month.($34.00)

    Total Montly Budget (very safe estiamte) - $1082.00 a month

    or 804.00 Euro a month.

    When you're ready write me at and I will help you. I live here, American married to Frenchy and work in the travel business.

    I don't book studios for a living but i find them all the time for friends and family visiting and happy to help you. I know where all the starbucks are located :0)

    Kind regards, Wendy

  2. That will depend very much on the type of accomodatiopn you find and where in France you will be studying.

    If you are an official student at a French University then you should investigate student housing or housing arranged thru the university. Costs in some cities, like Paris can be quite high.

    Food costs can be low if you have cooking facilities (as student housing frequently does) and there is the CROUS system of student cafeterias where full meals can be had for under 3 euros.

    CROUS is a good resource and you should check their website. this is the one for CROUS of Paris:

    I notice you are from Jordan. You may find it worthwhile to speak with people from the Islamic Center in Paris:

  3. Not less than 800 Euros (at least 400 Euros for accomodation and the rest for food and transport).

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