
What is the minimum age for kids to travel internationally?

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I was wondering, what is the minimum age for kids and/or teenagers to travel internationally?

Oh, and what if the destination was a country in the East, such as China? Answers appreciated!




  1. Hi there....

    Let me tell you...there is NO ..."minimum age"...because when my son was  O N L Y  3 yrs.young, he flew from Detroit to Frankfurt, Germany ....all by HISSELF... naturally in the care of a stewardess, who put a "name-tag" on him & his grand-parents pickede him up at Frankfurt airport!

    I don't know, how old you are....BUT : if Jason could travel at age 3....then you should  NOT have any problem travelling by yourself (as long as the flight attendant takes care of you)!!!

    I hope I was of some help to you!!!

    Sending you best wishes from Germany....Annette****

  2. I'm guessing you mean on your own.  Really there isn't any age.  If you are refering just to the flight then this is the answer:  If you are under 18 you will be allowed as long as your parents give you a notorized letter approving your travel.  Under a certain age (varies between airlines) they will assign you an escort through the airport until you board the plane and another when you arrive and disembark from the plane, until you reach your approved guardian.

  3. My family is from the US. My parents did a year of missionary work in Rhodesia, Africa.  My eldest sister was a few months old at the time. My mother soon became pregnant with my eldest brother and he was born in Africa and moved back to the US when he was just under a month old.

    So if my two siblings can travel to and from a very broken country at just a few months I do not believe that there are many restrictions on age.

    This is answered in the context that the kids will be accompanied.

    I have also heard of babies being adopted from foreign countries at a few days old but they are accompanied by a representative of the adoption agency.

  4. There isn't one.

    Airlines set there own rules. Usually babies under 7 days are not permitted but why would you want to ?

    Contact the airline for details.

    Ian M

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