
What is the minimum age requirement for working at Dollar Tree?

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Dollar Tress in Virginia. Most helpful answer gets it.




  1. boy, I sure hope its 14

  2. since its not hazardous working there, 15

  3. There are 3 things you need to answer.

    1.  What is the federal minimum?  Its 14

    2.  What is virginias minimum?  Its 14

    3.  What is dollar trees minimum?  I have no idea.

    Virginia law will require that you get a work permit.  If your state doesnt provide them (as they should since they require it) then the federal government will provide you one.

    At 14-16 you will have certain restrictions on what types of jobs you can do.  The links I sent you will help you get your permit, as well as tell you what hours you can work and when you can work them.

    You never know dollar tree could require that you have a drivers license.  Then you need to be 16, or some might say we sell stuff and you need to be 18.  Or you have to lift this much or work these many hours.  Just because you are legal at 14 doesnt mean you can fit the mold of what they want.

    Look up the federal and state laws.  But its 14 where you live.

    Good luck

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