
What is the minimum age to travel within Europe?

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Must you still be over 18 to travel within Europe from country to country.

Even if you live in Europe and are a citizen of Europe, must you still have somebody 18 with you?




  1. Where did you get the idea "you must still be over 18"?  A lot of backpackers are younger than that, but you may have a problem getting a hotel room other than at a hostel or pension.

  2. There is no minimum age, but some hotels will not allow you to check in if you are a minor, (below 18) and at some border crossings they can ask you for a proof of parental permission to travel.

    Hostels do not have problems with guests who are not yet 18, some allow kids as young as 14 to stay without adults. (Although, if they think you might be a runaway kid they may ask you for your letter from your parents.)

    There is no or very little difference in the way Europeans and non Europeans will be treated within Europe, once you have the visa or the visa waifer stamp in your passport.

  3. Younger than 18 should be no problem, even when traveling from one to another European country and with a European or non-European Passport. Checkin hotels is no problem, i did it many times when i was 16/17 and never had any problems. Please note that Car Rental is not possible until you are 21, or sometimes even 25.

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