
What is the minimum ammount of money i need after bills to survive in Texas?

by  |  earlier

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I'm moving out in about 2 months and i've just been doing calculations in my head, and i'm worried financially. Now i don't know if it's NORMAL to be worried or if i'm just over thinking things which i tend to do. Anyways after my calculations i figured that i'll have anywhere from 400-600 left after bills and everything. Is that enough to live on for a month? I get paid on the 1st of every mo nth.




  1. It's a bit on the low end.  I live in Austin, and it is generally a cheap town, but Dallas or Houston wouldn't be as cheap.  It's possible to live on this, but you will have to be careful on how you spend your money.  Assuming that you have included everything except food and entertainment in your bills, you can make it work.  You will need to spend about $10-15 a day on food.  This means packing a lunch for work, and cooking dinner at home instead of eating out.  You will probably need about $50 per weekend for some kind of entertainment.  This doesn't leave much for shopping or traveling.  If you add anything like a car payment, it will break your budget. You are also not saving anything, if I were you I would look into reducing my bills by finding a cheaper apartment or a roommate.

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