
What is the minimum amount of screed needed on a new kitchen extension floor?

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what is the minimum amount of screed needed on an extension for a new kitchen floor. i think the floor is a bit high so i need to use the very least amount of screed or the most amount in mm of the floor levelling compound




  1. Ok...your talking about two different things here?

    Is it screed or Floor levelling compound?

    Floor levelling compound is the best thing to use if you want to ever so slightly raise the room on one side, Screed generally goes down to fill marginal difference all round after the main concrete "oversite" and then floor levelling compound as a levelling cap on top of screed...

    if you are looking to raise by mm then a bag or two of FLC should be fine for a normal sized domestic kitchen....

    best to have too much than not enough!

    check out the coverage on the bags..

    Good luck!!

  2. thats too thin for screed use floor leveller

    there are various types which do different jobs. 10mm is quite a lot so look for one that can do that thickness, some are only rated to do 2 - 3 mm etc

    look at the ardex site

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