
What is the minimum and maximum price for pg accomdation in Bangalore and Adv Amount?

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What is the minimum and maximum price for pg accomdation in Bangalore and Adv Amount?




  1. Dear Mr. Venkat,

    The minimum PG costs you Rs. 1,500. It goes up to Rs. 7,500 per month. This is depending upon the location, nature of room sharing ( single or multiple ), other facilities like TV, phone, papers, laundry etc.,

    If you opt for food then you have to pay about Rs. 1,500 to 2,000 extra per month. This again depends upon, number of meals and vegetarian and non vegetarian.

    If you are a student, then your parents have to introduce you to the PG. They are expected to sign on the entry form. If you are a working professional, then your photo, company ID should be provided.

    The advance amount is normally three months rent and some may demand six months rent amount as advance. This can be negotiable, if any one of your friend is staying there for a significant period.

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