
What is the minimum fine and sentence for train fare dodging ??

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What is the minimum fine and sentence for train fare dodging ??




  1. fine first time offence


    second time


    third time


    fourth time

    banned off the trains

    in all instances you will have your name placed on a poster of "listed offenders" that is up for public display in the station you offended nearest to

  2. On the NYC subway the fine can be as much as $1,000 with some jailtime for repeat offenders.


  4. My boyfriend got caught once and he got fined £10 (national rail). As for sentences, I'm not sure on that one, sorry.

  5. The minimum on the spot fine is £20, if you give us a hard time, or lie to us, this increases considerably, to a court appearance, with a maximum sentence of six months, but a definate criminal record. As for not being allowed to search you, that would depend on how many other people are around and if the cctv is working, and you won't get away with it just by knowing the name and postcode of someone else, because we check your details the same way that the police do, and can catch you out with a whole host of information.

  6. If you say you have no ID on you (they're not allowed to search you) and you give someone else's name (make sure you know their postcode and phone number off by heart) - you don't pay any fine or do any sentence!

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