
What is the minimum height reqiured for a girl to become a commercial pilot?

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What is the minimum height reqiured for a girl to become a commercial pilot?




  1. Tall enough to see over the dash...

  2. there is no commercial minimum or maximum. rudder pedals and seats are adjustable, larger aircraft have nosewheel steering so differential braking is not required.

  3. It depends on the airline you are applying with.

  4. --No height minimum.

  5. As for age, most airlines take low hours first officers between the ages of 20 - 30 but the actual ages vary company to company, best to look at the airlines websites to get a better idea, most airlines also require you to have at least 2 A-Levels.

    visit here

  6. good luck!

    you need to reach the pedals and be able to see out the window when taxiing

    strict rules for this in fighter aircraft because of ejection seats, less so on commercial stuff

    good luck!

  7. There is no statutory minimum, although the military will almost have minimum and maximum heights.

    It will come down to practicality; if you can't reach the rudder pedals/brake pedals you won't be able to fly the aeroplane.

  8. When I was in the air force I flew with a copilot that attached

    small wooden blocks to the bottom of her shoes to have more

    control of the rudder pedal.  As civilian there is no height limit

    you just need to be able to control the pedals.  The military

    has height requirements that can be wavered in some


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