
What is the minimum length sailboat needed to sail to the carabien from Texas?

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Just looking for the minimum boat length for saftey. Like is a 25 footer good enough? Or does anyone have a good website to read up on this subject?

Thank you




  1. 25 f sail boat is more than enough for this trip,but you must be a good sailor,if you thing you are not expires enough get a bigger boat.all boats with sails are dozing for heavy seas evening can tern 360' over and still can balance their self .Practice before you go- you can easily do it  -good Lock.

  2. Doesn't that go through the bermuda Triangle! I would not chance it in an oil tanker.

  3. I'm from the Caribbean and I love sailing. For me a 25 foot is too small for this kind of trip unless you are man of the sea. I will think of a 30 foot long boat at least. Another important point is the crew unless your thinking of gone alone. Sailing is true freedom but you have respect the sea and the weather conditions, is not a game. Remember that some boats are intended for day sailing and others for offshore, check the type of construction, the displacement-ballast ratio, the sail area and functionality of the sail plan.

    Good luck.


  4. SAIL ONLY not a good  idea Cuz Gulf of mex is to flakey acomplished sailor 25-30 ft ,not talking down to ya but if you gotta ask which size boat you may not be ready  you get a full day with no wind then 30 kt wind the next day you might need some aux power pronto gulf aint no freindly body of water i know they were all sail in the old days there is also a lot of them still IN the gulf 60-80 ft under

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