
What is the minimum quantity of money you would require to eat a slice of human poo.?

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What is the minimum quantity of money you would require to eat a slice of human poo.?




  1. I would ask that you cover all medical expenses if something occurred.  Also, you cannot tell anyone that I did it.  Then, depending on the volume of the slice, I would demand around  24,000 US dollars.

  2. If they prepared like some of the natives in Myramar I would

    eat it for nothing. They roll it in a beaten egg and then bread

    crumbs. They wrap it in coconut palm leaves and fry it in

    palm oil until the leaves become brown. At that time it is removed

    from the oil and allowed to cool before dipping it in a guava

    puree. It is then hung and allowed to dry for about 2 hours.

    It is usually served at room temperature with eggs and plantain.

    The cooking apparently kills any bacteria and the flavor is out

    of this world.

  3. I wouldn't do that for any amount of money.  That makes me want to puke just thinking about it.  There are so many diseases and sicknesses you can get from human f***s.  It is gross!

  4. Im just suprised that the first chic said 1000,   damm

  5. $1000

  6. 1 MILLION, with that kind of moola, then you could afford therapy to evercome acts of harming yourself, and low self esteem issues

  7. you nasty for askin the question and the people who said they would, i hope you one day eat sh*t and die because your nasty and the world won't miss you.

  8. there's no amount of money that would make me do that.

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