
What is the minimum time you must work before a break on your tachograph is viable?

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What is the minimum time you must work before a break on your tachograph is viable?




  1. whenever you see fit. i usually take 15Min's within the first 2-3 hours of my shift and 30 min's at about 6 hours or 4.5 hours driving which ever comes first

    some thick pratt has gave me a thumbs down. why?

  2. There is no minimum time you must work before you take a break, however every 4.5 hours you must take a 45 min break. But do not put your tacho on break unless you are really taking a break if you are loading or unloading you should put your tacho on to crossed hammers IE other work. But to increase your daily period if you  are broken down or are sitting waiting you may put your tacho onto p.o.a period of availability which means you are willing to work but unable to this may only be taken once a day. If you want more details go to the F.T.A website the freight transport association. Hope this helps you.

  3. There is no minimum driving time Before taking a break, but , after 41/2 hours driving(not working) time, you MUST take a 45 minute break.You can, however, divide this break up provided one of the breaks is of at least 20 minutes under current UK laws. You should also take account of the policies employed by the company you work for, as many will take a dim view if you tae a break only a few minutes after the start of the shift. I usually try to take a break after two hours of driving, especially if on a long run.

  4. Just asked my boyfriend he is an HGV driver he said he isnt exaclty sure but whenever u want

  5. there is no minimum time set..... you must however take a 45 minute break for every 4 and a half hours of driving

  6. There isnt a minimum time.Only a maximum. You could work [drive] just 5 mins and take a 45 break if you wish.If you do then you can drive 4h30m. I know one driver who gets to a customer early so that he can take a 15 min break there before they open. His choice and they are only 15 mins away from his base.

  7. my bf said - it's 4 and a half hours and then you need a 45 min break.

  8. Current regulations say you must take a 45 min break after 4 hours. You may divide this into one 15 and one 30 minute break. However if you do you must take the 30 minute break first.

    There is no minimum as the idea is to control maximum driving times.


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