
What is the minimum wage for lifeguards?

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What is the wage you get when its your first time working as a swimming lifegaurd?




  1. Minimum wage is minimum wage. Look up what is for your state. You should expect to get paid more though for a job such as life guarding though so make sure you do not settle on minimum wage. Good Luck.

  2. The minimum wage by law.

    $6.15 per hour by federal law, some states like my neighbors in Illinois is 7 something.

  3. What is the minimum wage in your state?

    That's the minimum wage.

  4. All depends on the facility that's hiring you.

    My first lifeguarding job I made $7.50 but that was 5 years ago.  Now they start at around 8, but I've seen some state run beaches that pay anywhere from $10 to $20 starting!

  5. It depends on your state. Our minimum wage here in WA is like 8.07 or something around there.

  6. What does minimum wage have to do with being a lifeguard. If I am in trouble in the water, I do not want a minimum wage person trying to save me. Maybe you mean what is the starting pay for a lifeguard who has life saving training.

  7. Minimum wage would be the same as it is for any job in your state.

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