
What is the minimum wage of a radio talk show host? And what do i need to do to get there?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 16 and the idea of a radio talk show host came into my mind and I loved it. I've been researching on how to get to be a radio talk show host and how much i would get paid but I'm not having any luck. Help?




  1. It depends on where you are, what station it is, and what the show is. I would start off with a school radio station, just for some experience. You will need to complete your education and take some college communication classes perhaps. I can see why you would be excited about being on the radio, but it's not as easy as it looks, believe me. If your first concern is what you would be paid, I do think you need to continue your education.  

  2. If you got a job at the radio station, you would be paid minimum wage (for your state) if you do not have any special education or qualifications.

    I would look into getting a communications degree from a community college or state university.

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