
What is the minimum work shift allowed?

by  |  earlier

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A few friends have mentioned that its against the labor or employment laws for an employer to schedule an employee for less than a four hour work shift, and that if this does occur, the employer must pay the employee for four hours. Is this true? If so, where can I find this in writing? thanks!




  1. i think you are right, but with 3 hours not four. so just lower everything an hour (for example, if i worked 2 hours, i would be paid for three)

  2. From what I understand, this depends on your state. Some states are "at will" and thus have no required minimums but do have maximums. You can hire someone for 60 seconds and pay them accordingly in my state, but you cannot force them to work more than 65 hours against their will and they must be paid over time.

  3. Never seen such a thing; check with your state Department of labor homepage or Wage and Hour. Each state law is different

  4. It varies from province to province and state to state. You will have to look it up or specify a state.

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