
What is the miss rule in snooker?

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What is the miss rule in snooker?




  1. And, I believe, if a player "misses" twice, he is told by the referee that the third miss would mean he loses the frame.

  2. The miss rule can be applied by the referee if he is of the opinion that the player has missed a ball that a professional should be able to hit.  The rule is simple it is the application of it that is complicated. The idea is to prevent a situation where a player is snookered and instead of really trying to hit the object ball he plays it in such a way that he misses the object ball and loses 4 points but leaves his opponent in bad position. One of the problems with it is that the snooker may be so difficult that even a top player may have great difficulty in hitting the object ball but even in this situation the referee will very often call a miss.

  3. A miss is when the cue-ball fails to first contact a ball on and the referee considers that the striker has not made a good enough attempt to hit a ball on.

  4. AKA Rollout in reg pool

    The other answers have explained

    Its a hard shot on the ref to call honest miss or not

    Thats another reason I dont ref snooker matches

  5. if your mean when a player miss's the ball then the other player is award 4 points and if they dont like where the ball has ended up they can have it put back for them to try or have the other player try it again

  6. Don't miss when playing Ronnie.

  7. I don't like this rule as it depends on human judgement as to where balls were before the shot when it is used.

    When a player, often while in a difficult position, misses the object ball, and the referee thinks he or she could have hit a object ball, the referee can call a 'miss' this allows the other player to choose whether to put the white ball back where it was before the miss, and the same player who missed has another go at hitting a object ball, and any balls which were moved during the shot are put back into the place they were in  according the the referees judgement.

    Often they are trying to play the safety game, so they do not want to take a shot which will leave the game open for the other player. Each time they miss foul points are awarded to their opponent, but if they miss the same shot several times, the referee tells them if they miss again they will lose the game. The player at this stage will risk another shot, to enable an easier shot at the object ball, which was too risky before.

    I am not sure how many goes they have, it might be four.

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