
What is the mobile number of mian nawaz sharif?

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  1. Ye lo number lekin kisi ko btana mat k ye main ne diya he( Mian nawan shareef 03363313561)call him main unkey dost ka son hoon

  2. i love u mian nawaz sharif sb ma ap se bohat payer karta hu plz send me moblie number my e:mail number 0334-4036058-042-37286497 0322-4640582

  3. hahahah wo koi insan hai jo tum jog us say baat krna cahaty ho f**k off

  4.  What are you asking about, how can you get the number of Main Nawazz Sharif. It is not possible for anyone to get his number. You can contact him if you have any link in the punjab assembly or some how you can contact him at his house at Riwand. So, please stop searching for the number of the Nawaz Sharif try to contact him in some other way.

  5. nawaz ganje to ziul haq ki aulad hai na ma sharef na  bap shareef nawaz sharef nawaz sharef    . tujh se tera bhai acha hai   tu harrami ka bacha hai   to ne apni bhabi ko  bhati me dal diya tha   suder ja nahi to  gand par kore lage ge  by  ukel ajae gi tujhe



    sir i want to talk nawaz sharif sb.03337325530

  7.  mian nawaz shareef's cell number given by captain safdar....+92-345-9572272 100% confirmed

  8. salaam mian shaib

  9. 0313-5025002 call me i want to talk the public

  10. mian nawaz sharif 0300 888 5128

  11. janab quaide mutram sab aslamu alequm i am living in rawalpindi Na 55 area i releated this party since 14 years ago  here ur party position is damaged from some peoples include ur mna and mpa,s first of all ur mna and mpa,s give no time to people of his ward  zia ula shah mpa is starting jua in his ward .shrare raiz mpa  give litle time for the people of ward mostly  he spend his time in lahore people totally faidup ur mna and mpa only haji pervaiz khan isgive conplete time for his ward people he is our hard worker learder his mobile / office  open 24 hours for people he have no power he sturegle for people second sardar naseem and akhtar mehmood siting in his office full time plz visite to rawalpindi because urs mna mpa involved in zakat commete curpition urs mna mpa obliged (q) group and his crroect fallows mostly we asked haji pervaiz and sardar nassem /akhtar mehmmod but he asked us we take no action aganist mna mpa plz save ur party and check teqati works

  12. Janab Mian Muhammed Nawaz Sharif Saheb may aap say us waqt say baat kerna chah raha hoon jab say aap nay haftey may aik din telephone may public say baat kernay ka din rakha tha mager badkismati say aaj tak baat nahi ho saki mager may aap say aaj bhi utni he mohabbat karta hoon jitni aap jab finance Minister punjab  hua kartey they  kya aap mujhsay moka nikal ker baat ker saktay hain?

  13. plz muyaj calll karey main rwp sy ho 1zururi bat btani ha ap ko plz calll me ap ka fan

  14. janaab mian sahib im aap ka `old fain hoon pleas mujhe apna phoon #dian im aap se baat karna chata hoon.pleas...(oo923006030974

  15. (0092) 42-5881383
                      i thing this is the fax number of "Mian Nawaz Shareef"

  16. HI:
        my name is HASEEB RASHEED and i live in peshawar u r the best leader in Pakistan
               mare dua hay k aap ke haqumt puray Pakiatan may ho (AAmeen) specialy in peshawar and alection jetnay k bad aap khud sadar bun na kisi or ko chance mt dana plz {i read in 1st year (}

  17. sardar mehtab ahmed khan phone number is 0992-382323

  18. hello uncle nawaz sharif i want your mobile number plzzzzzzzzzzzz uncle you are the best plz         uncle

  19. LONG LIVE PML-N                                                                                       helo im die hard worker of PML-N and belong to city naudero(larkana) im deeply inspired from the pragmatic heavy handed steps taken by my QUAID MIAN MOHAMMAD NAWAZ SHARIF for the rule of real democracy in PAKISTAN                     dr faheem ahmed abro. R.o NAUDERO)LARKANA                                my number iz 0343-5335065

  20. helo im die hard worker of PML-N and belong to city naudero(larkana) im deeply inspired from the pragmatic heavy handed steps taken by my QUAID MIAN MOHAMMAD NAWAZ SHARIF for the rule of real democracy in pakistan; MIAN SAHIB should come into main stream of real opposition to correct the fruiteless policies of PPP and my QUAID plz may kindly save the pakistan from torrorism and i want to give some valueable suggestions for the best interest of our party PML-N as i have kept a close eye on policies and strategies of CIA, AMERICA,INDIA,AFGHAN & our GOVT: policies az well for this purpose; now i dire need of hiz personal mobile number or his e-mail adress plz consider my request sympathatically                      dr faheem ahmed abro. R.o NAUDERO)LARKANA                                my number iz 0343-5335065

  21. helo im die hard worker of PML-N and belong to native place of late shaheed muhutarma benazer bhuto, after vigoriously opposing the policies of mr: zardari govt: have joind PML-N and directly in correspondence with my QUAID MIAN MOHAMMAD NAWAZ SHARIF AND i suport the stand taken by my QUAID against carry lugar bill & NRO & role of my QUAID in restoration of honourable CGP & dominancy of rule of law iz realy appreciateable so i want to propagate the charismatic mission of PML-N every home,school & college of pakistan that iz why, now i dire need of hiz personal mobile number or his e-mail adress plz consider my request sympathatically                      dr faheem ahmed abro. R.o NAUDERO)LARKANA                                my number iz 0343-5335065

  22. helo im die hard worker of PML-N and belong to native place of late shaheed muhutarma benazer bhuto, after vigoriously opposing the policies of mr: zardari govt: have joind PML-N and directly in correspondence with my QUAID MIAN MOHAMMAD NAWAZ SHARIF now i dire need of hiz personal mobile number or his e-mail adress plz consider my request sympathatically                      dr faheem ahmed abro. R.o NAUDERO)LARKANA                                my number iz 0343-5335065

  23. janab maray pyare gratest ....
    aslamoalakum im aap se baat karna chahata hoo
    omeed he aap
    mujhe apna ph r mobil no zaroor dian ge
    ....................................manzoor ahmad bhalwal pakistan.........

  24. What is the mobile number of mian nawaz sharif
    i m ur fan from bwp

  25. hello uncle asif al;i zadari is donkey plzszzzzzzzzzzz give your number plzzzzzzzzzz uncle yor are the best i am your biggest fan your mobile number naima from bahrain

  26. nawaz sharif mubail namber 03329507569


  28. plzzzzzzzzzzzz nawaz sharif home number nawaz sharif you are the best naima Dana from bahrain

  29. hello uncle i want your mobile number plzzzzzzzzzzz uncle you are the best my name is naima dana from bahrain

  30. what is the number mian nawaz sharif

  31. 03232610407

    Please sir my job problem in Pakistan
    Please sir consider my case to you are plate forum

    Dear Honorable Sir
    I am Mubashir Ali S/O Mobarak Ali (late) Sir Please requested you that I am our Government organization Pakistan Telecommunication are continue Apply for job Son Quota Basis due to my Father approx.50 years job on this organization Please sir i am since 10 Years continue Apply to this Organization (PTCL) but no reply , please sir my problem are solved due to my country & My Family are very love you , please sir I hope to my problem solved me if after my god , please sir my total record to PTCL are already submitted & Check now , please sir my finically very huge problem please sir I am married & my two daughter please sir i am very very requested you my personal detail as follow:

    Name : Mubashir Ali
    Father’s Name: Mubarak Ali Qureshi (Late).
    C.N.I.C No. : 42101-3126358-1
    Nationality : Pakistani.
    Religion : Islam.
    Marital Status : Married.
    Date of Birth : December 10th, 1974.
    Contact No. : 0092 213 4987919 (In Karachi Pakistan).
    Cell No. :0092 333 3348567
    Address : House No. C-22 Gulshan-e-Iqbal Block-4/A Near Imam Baragha Abul Hassan     Isphani Road Karachi.
    E-mail address:,
    Kind regards
    Mubashir Ali
    Karachi (Pakistan)
    0092 21 34987919 , 0092 333 3348567

    Please sir my job problem in Pakistan
    Please sir consider my case to you are plate forum

    Dear Honorable Sir
    I am Mubashir Ali S/O Mobarak Ali (late) Sir Please requested you that I am our Government organization Pakistan Telecommunication are continue Apply for job Son Quota Basis due to my Father approx.50 years job on this organization Please sir i am since 10 Years continue Apply to this Organization (PTCL) but no reply , please sir my problem are solved due to my country & My Family are very love you , please sir I hope to my problem solved me if after my god , please sir my total record to PTCL are already submitted & Check now , please sir my finically very huge problem please sir I am married & my two daughter please sir i am very very requested you my personal detail as follow:

    Name : Mubashir Ali
    Father’s Name: Mubarak Ali Qureshi (Late).
    C.N.I.C No. : 42101-3126358-1
    Nationality : Pakistani.
    Religion : Islam.
    Marital Status : Married.
    Date of Birth : December 10th, 1974.
    Contact No. : 0092 213 4987919 (In Karachi Pakistan).
    Cell No. :0092 333 3348567
    Address : House No. C-22 Gulshan-e-Iqbal Block-4/A Near Imam Baragha Abul  Hassan     Isphani Road Karachi.
    E-mail address:,
    Kind regards
    Mubashir Ali
    Karachi (Pakistan)
    0092 21 34987919 , 0092 333 3348567

  34. plz tell me the contact nub of mian nawaz shareef i want to tell him about pakistan condition

  35. Hi. I wanting to know Mian Nawaz sharif,s email id where can i find?

  36. Hello Sir, my name Ali      I LOVE U NAWAZ SHARIF  

  37. Hello Sir, my name Ali      I LOVE U NAWAZ SHARIF  

  38. i have just need of nawaz sharif number

  39. u have some work with nawaz shairf why u need his number

  40. i don't know the mobile number of mian nawaz sharif but you can get it by calling one of this holding companies. nawaz sharif has his hands in everything but if you want an email address it is

    It's sad the guy is x prime Minster, one of the richest guy in pakistan yet he doesn't have an email address at his own domain name. you can also fax at the following number to get sharifs contact details FAX:1.7322978906.

  41. mobile no of mian nawaz sharif

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