
What is the mood for the beginning of Fahrenheit 451?

by Guest58587  |  earlier

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Those sort of answers are just plain idiotic. Helpful answers only please. =]




  1. g*y

  2. Have a look at these study guides.  A couple of the links discuss significant quotes from the book.  The guides should give you some ideas about your question and help you with your work with this novel.  Also do a search for the novel title here on Yahoo Answers and you will find that many other questions have been asked about it, and those questions and answers should be of help to you.

  3. Do your own homework.

  4. It's been many years since I read that book...back in the 70's for sure. But I liked it, so remember a little about it. What I remember about the beginning is that the people were all focused on the interactive TV in their homes...much like people are today. They could care less what was happening outside...much like people today. I think today's society resembles very much the people in this book. Step outside in the evening, and you don't see many people on the street anymore. Most of them are in the house, glued to their TV screens. With all the real-life kinds of TV now, it's just a matter of time before we'll be just like the characters in Mr. Bradbury's book. Just look how many kids would rather play computer games than read a book. Yes, I think this book can very well turn into fact, in the not so distant future. We've already got much of the technology that they had. Okay, I'm digressing...sorry. That's not what you asked. I tend to wander. Not too many people discuss books anymore, and I saw an opportunity to throw in my two cents. <*)))><

  5. i know the book, but i know the beginning of the movie better.

    In the movie, the people seem cold, isolated, distant from one another even when crowded.  unlike other movies, which list the cast members, directors, etc. using letters on the screen, in this movie, all those words were spoken -NO WRITING.

  6. get stoned, then watch it. it'll help you realise the mood it puts you in.

    don't worry about what the movie is trying to create, tell them what it creates in you

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