
What is the most Dangerous form of Crack? (Crack, Cocaine or Crystal Meth or none of above someother typecrack

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  1. Yall act like crack is so bad. Like the good book said, "Let he who is without sin throweth the first rock and I shall smoketh it!"

    Crack is more addictive because it is cocaine at it's purest form. It is made by cooking cocaine in water to release the natural oils from any cut or biproducts of the cocaine. The baking soda allows it to collect and solidify and after you drain the water out, voila. And I think I tasted eggs and cinnamon.

  2. Cocaine and crack are cocaine; cystal meth is

    methamphetamine, a totally different drug.

    Crack is much more dangerous than cocaine; its

    potential for addiction is so bad, one use can cause

    it. And it's awful for your body in all ways.

    Crystal meth is so bad, we call it the "meth monster".

    I have seen people who were kind, nice, and

    dependable, turn into theives, whores, and worse

    for it. It is terribly addictive, and messes up your

    heart (your heart literally "jumps" when you take

    meth, tearing it), brain, bones, etc. One way to tell

    meth addicts, aside from the speed bumps another

    answerer mentioned, is by the fact that they lose

    their teeth. Also weight, time, and their minds.

    Bad stuff.

  3. Crack could be seen as worse than it's parent Cocaine as it has negative effects much faster and generally is more expensive to use. Crystal meth isn't even the same drug at all, but is equally as bad as crack.

  4. All. Together....

    But you could call that that most dangerous or the most awesome just depending on how your high goes...

  5. The one you are using.

  6. Crystal meth is really bad.  People stay up for days, they pick their skin which causes infected sores on their faces, they lose a lot of weight, and they start to look really old within a few days.

  7. one is just as addictive as the other, so they are equally as dangerous in that aspect..

    please don't get started on it, and if you already are using, get some help.. i've seen it destroy too many lives..

    take care, and stay clean,  barbara...

  8. all. whichever one you're using.

  9. They all three are Dangerous

    Although Crystal Meth is a synthetic drug made from common products you can purchase anywhere.

    Cocaine is processed from Coco plants.

    Crack is manufactured from Cocaine.

    All will addict you and all can kill you

  10. Meth labs require personal protective equipment. I think that probably is the most dangerous.

  11. Crystal Meth. Although there is a new street drug that is a concentrated version of it.

    All 3 are VERY dangerous. Many die by just trying crystal meth, and addictions on it are almost impossible to stop. So don't go near the stuff.

  12. crack is cocain, just with otjer household products in it and it's cheaper lol. speed has more household chemicals, like bugspray rat poisin, baking powder, gold fish, human eyes idk.  so id asume thats the one. weird question tho. im curious about why you would ask.

  13. Crack is the most addictive form of cocaine, because of its immediate absorbtion through the lungs. Crystal meth is not the same drug, although they do have similar effects on the body.

    Cocaine is produced in South America, particularly in Colombia. Meth is made in the USA, particularly in trailer parks. So support your economy: Buy American.

  14. It's only bad if you lose control. 2-7 hits a day never killed no one. Ask Snoop or Queen Latif

    They are all bad and can vary by purity and many other factors. If you got the good stuff meth is probably the worst, then crack, and coke. "Crack Kills" just remember this phrase next time you forget...

  15. The most dangerous is Crystal Meth, more so if you shoot it up.

  16. crack is crack its made from cocaine, meth is just a cocktail of different house hold chemicals  they all have their own dangers but meth is probably most devastating to your body over time

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