
What is the most addictive drug?

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What is the most addictive drug?




  1. Tobacco for sure.

  2. All of the above. They can be, not for everyone it just depends on if you have an addictive personality. I would say Meth. Never done it and dont plan on it but I have heard alot of crazy stuff about it.

    Hope this helped

  3. making out;love


  4. Crack.

  5. i would have to say nicotine cuz its so hard to quit, and with other drugs, there are replacement therapies. with nicotine, you have to quit with nicotine...

  6. Meth.

  7. Religion, opiate of the people.  I lifetime 'feel good' fix.

  8. heroin

    The addiction to having s*x with women who save peoples lives

  9. *addicting

    Heroine, because it stays in your blood stream.

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