
What is the most affective and quick and painless form of teenage male sterilization?

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just 3 more questions

1) after my sterilization and my system empties can i still have wet dreams that contain no sperm.

2) will this lower my hormone levels ( i still have look like a male)

3) i heard that after sterilization the p***s shrinks as far as the glands is this true




  1. yea i wish i could do this chance of having kids, but if i did in fact want kids later in life which i do, then that kind of sucks..i wish my girlfriend could do this...

  2. 1. You will still have wet dreams, it will only be the seminal fluids, there will be no sperm.

    2. If you get it done as a teenager, yes it will affect your male hormone levels. You physique will not develop to be more like a man's, and if it may affect your voice pitch. You will also have a very reduced s*x drive (that's not teen specific though).

    3. The p***s will not shrink, it will merely stay the size it is, as there are going to be no more hormones that would affect it's growth.

    It would be best to wait until you are well out of your teens and done entirely with puberty, as you will not develop properly if your hormone levels are modified.

  3. If you are sterilized, as in a vasectomy where the t******e tube are cut tied, you still produce s***n from the prostrate gland.

    95 to 98 percent of the liquid comes from the prostrate gland.

    Wet dreams are normal, natural and really healthy for a Dude. It comes with being a Man, Dude! Love what you are and everything that goes with it, otherwise you are going to feel like a real freak through life.

    It's normal and healthy to m********e as well, and you won't as many wet dreams, and you can also control where the s***n goes, like on a paper towel or other paper, and you can get rid of it.

    It's all good and healthy, and don't let some kook feed you c**p and make you feel bad or nasty about s*x our yourself! Do you think that we get built this way, and then there's something wrong with it? Your Good Man and your gear is working great and the way that it should! Enjoy it Dude! Life is awesome!

    Think a little bit man!

    Wanting the best for you!

    Me! :- )      

  4. first of all, you'll never get a doctor to do it.  and unless you're 18, your parents or guardian would have to sign off on this, too.

    Yes, after a vasectomy, one still ejaculates.  There just aren't any sperm in the ejaculate.

    A vasectomy only severs the tubes connecting the testes to the prostate gland.  It has no effect on hormone levels.

    And it does NOT shrink the p***s.

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