
What is the most amount of kids you have babysat at once?

by  |  earlier

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in a few minutes i am going to go babysit for 13 kids!




  1. 9 seven year old boys.  The school was beside my house in the country and a blizzard hit so fast that the school buses couldn't take them home.  I had a freezer & food was OK.  Lots of hot chocolate and packages of Tang.  Had them from 3:30p.m. to 9:00p.m the following evening.  Parents couldn't reach them not even with Skidoos although they tried.  For the few houses in the village our husbands couldn't get home either.  There were a total of 17 houses and we took all of the children in and some had a lot more than me, depending on the size of their houses and age of the children up to 12 yrs old.  We didn't worry about having enough beds just had to make sure there were enough blankets  My lot thought they were camping.  Even although it was a very busy time the children were very well behaved and seemed to be aware that something unusual had happened.  The snow stopped the following day, fortunately.  

    Well now, you do what you have to do and it was a real good thing we didn't have a power failure at the same time, something that certainly wasn't uncommon.

  2. Wow, that is a lot. The most I've ever babysat was four, but it still wasn't  easy!

  3. Thats a lot! I hope some of them are older so they can be your helpers! The most I have babysat was 3 or 4.

  4. 3, but take care - you may need help. In child care centres in NSW they specify that there must be 1 carer per 5 children.

  5. 14 aged from 2 months to 11 years it was quite scary i will never do it again

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