
What is the most amount of money you ever lost and found?

by Guest34059  |  earlier

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for me the most i lost was $22 dollars...the most i found was $50=) i guess it was worth loosing it because jus a week later i found $50!!! that's $28 more lol




  1. I had $20,000 invested with a merchant bank and it grew with two annual interest payments. On the day the second interest was added I decided to close my account. The money came through quite ok and I even got a check for $00.03 for the new interest earned. The very next day the merchant bank declared itself bankrupt and its investors got nothing. How lucky was I? I have kept my 3 cent check as a souvenir. I couldn't have cashed it anyway with the bank being broke :)

    One time I had to bank $5,000. I rolled the notes into a sausage shape and slipped it into my trouser fob-pocket and headed out for the bank. When I got there the money was gone. I got a nice surprise to find it floating loose inside a roll of my pullover.

  2. A maid at a hotel at a horse show took $60 in a pair of $300 jeans. The most i've ever found is a quarter

  3. I lost $1,500.00 when my purse was stolen. I cryed so hard. The following week I won $5,000.00 on a $2 scratch off ticket. God was watching over me.

  4. i found £60 in the pocket of my jeans the other day they had been washed and ironed and put away in a drawer, how i didnt miss it i dont know but it was a great find

  5. I don't know how much i've lost. None that I can remember. I have found $5

  6. I found $180 in a bank machine once, just sitting in the tray where the money comes out. Nobody else around. I ended up reporting it to the bank that operated the machine and they tracked down the person who left it behind (well, that's what they told me anyway).

    Most I ever lost - not counting stock market losses - was a $50 bill. It went up in smoke on xmas day after getting mixed up in the wrapping paper that my uncle stuffed in the fireplace.

  7. I lost $20

    Found $20

    I'm Even Steven

  8. I found about $40 I think

  9. WhenIwas 7 I found $20 in my pocket. I thought I was rich! (Too bad I had to give it back to my mum) then I found $100 in my pocket a couple of weeks later (It seems I enjoyed stealing my mums money)

  10. The stock market is so crooked in these times of Bush, et. al. that I put $5000 into a stock - the company went broke long enough to tell us stockholders we had no claim on them and then started back in business.  Nice, hu?  Lucky I didn't lose more!  Lots of people did!

  11. ive lost 2,700ish in mexico but i found a briefcase with 3 million dollars in it which i promptly returned to the smerican embassy in mexico...(didnt want to get involved)

  12. I've "lost" a couple hundred at a casino one night ...

    ... I think the most I've ever found just laying about was a hundred dollars

  13. While slaving away in the death camps I had 30k stolen from me.  But It's all good, it cost 30-billion to steal it from me.

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