
What is the most amount of money you have found?

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And did you keep it or hand it in?

I once found a £20 note in a well off area (Kenton, Newcastle) and kept it heehee




  1. I was once working for a non-profit organization selling programs to a sports tournament they were holding over a weekend. About a month later, I was wearing the same shorts (short trousers) I wore when selling the programs (they had gone through the wash). They're like painter's shorts with side pockets and I felt a large lump there. I stuck my hand in the pocket and pulled out a wad of $390 (about £200) in assorted bills.

    Since it wasn't my money and it's bad karma to rip off charitable organizations, I wrote them a check for the $390 and kept the money (saved me from going to the ATM for awhile).

  2. I went to subway once, and infront of the cash register, rolled up together was about 6 twenties!

    And, yes, I did hand it in, because a few minutes after I sat down, some guy ran in looking all panicked and went to ask the cashier and asked if she'd seen it or if someone had handed it in.

    So I handed it back to him and he gave me a twenty xD.

    See, it pays to be a good person!


  3. I also found $20 on the ground as i was walking on my way to a Cincinnati reds game. lol i kept it too although i knew who it belonged to.

  4. found a $20 bill stuck in an ATM once

  5. I found a $20 AUSD on a footpath once:)

  6. Long ago I found a women's wallet. In it was roughly 2000 US dollars (about 1000 pounds) with parts stapled and labeled rent, groceries, bus, etc. Obviously somebody was doing some budgeting.

    Also two check books, bank cards, credit cards, business cards, passport and drivers license. Things are a pain to replace. Unbelievably she actually had a sticky note with her password attached to one of the cards.

    Now if someone found my wallet I would rather they keep the cash and return the rest. At least I would not have to deal with replacing cards and such. I pondered that.

    There was a picture of a kid so I thought to myself....... maybe she would not be able to pay rent, get to work or feed the kids. So I decided to do the right thing even though I was pretty poor back in the day.

    There was a utility bill and the address was only a block away. So I go knocking on her door. She opened it and she was just a normal middle aged women...... not a crotchey old lady. I am a clean cut military guy. So I say "pardon me I found your wallet". She just snatched it out of my hand and slammed the door.

    No thank you and no anything. I was utterly stunned and just stood there going "huh"?

    I saw her in a shop a couple weeks later. I could tell that she recognized me. She said not a word. I did the right thing but maybe I should have kept the money.

    Pardon the long story...

  7. $20 (can) in a parking lot, nobody was around to claim it so we bought lunch.

  8. quarter. my luck sucks

  9. $20 USD

  10. 5 bucks after a group of high schoolers passed me 3 years ago.

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