
What is the most amount of water i can drink in a day?

by  |  earlier

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without killing myself




  1. Why don't you give it a go and find out

  2. 15 glasses

  3. 6 gallons but not all at once

  4. depends, but i would say 5 litters per day r enough in any circumstances and in any weather

  5. It does not take just an amount. It takes a large amount in a very short time period. Otherwise you will just urinate a whole lot.

    Fasting is done up to 40 days and only water is consumed. It takes quite a bit to fight off hunger and keep a person from starving. So obviously drinking a lot of water simply won't do it. Unless you decide to fast for more than 40 days where you will have serious problems with loss of nutrition and more.

  6. As you sweat, your body excretes essential salts (electrolytes) such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. If you drink too much water, you dilute your body’s remaining electrolyte levels even further, which can result in confusion, nausea, weakness, cerebral edema, coma and, in the worst-case scenario, death.

    If you are drinking more than 2 gallons a day you should cut back if not you may suffer from Hypotrenrmia .

    Hyponatremia is a metabolic condition in which there is not enough sodium in the body fluids outside the cells.

    Common symptoms include:

    Abnormal mental status


    Decreased consciousness


    Possible coma





    Loss of appetite

    Muscle spasms or cramps

    Muscle weakness




    Anorexia nervosa

  7. check with your doctor. they say 8-10 glasses of water a day is good, however they don't believe that anymore i tried drinking that much water and i was running to the bathroom every ten minutes.

  8. Drink how much you can. I suggest 7 litre.

  9. Don't exceed 2 gallons a day.

  10. You can safely drink enough until your stomach will take no more.......or until you throw up.  Technically that would not kill you . . . though I can't promise you will feel good doing it.  Just listen to your body and stop when you feel full.  :-)

  11. um im not sure but i would just drink as you pleez dont try to drink alot of water

  12. 8 glasses is recommended x*x

  13. well that depends on what youre trying to accomplish. if you want to be healthy, the recommendation is 8 glasses a day. if you're going for some kind of record, just drink, and drink, and drink!

  14. 2 litter for male 1.5 litter for females

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