
What is the most and least important in our worldly life?pure intellectual,wealth, <span title="health?wisdom,money,power?">health?wisdom,money,power...</span>

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What is the most and least important in our worldly life?pure intellectual,wealth, health?wisdom,money,power...




  1. Freedom and civil rights is most important and the least is mainstream media

  2. Power, b/c no matter what it is, it is still a form of power! intellectual will have power over stupid people, wealthy will have power over poor people, healthy people have the obvious advantage over sick people, wise people also have advantage over stupid people, and also over the intellectual b/c they are smarter. No matter how you look at it, power is the most important, b/c everything we do what we are truly seeking is power. ^_^

  3. Spiritual growth.  This is a spiritual journey using a body as a vehicle.

    Least important?  Wealth

  4. most : happiness and oxygen and wate and food and clothes and shelter and sanatation..

    least:  iphone touch  

  5. Most

    Least important.......loyalty to a flag.  

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