
What is the most annoying phrase your parents tell you or have told you as a kid???

by Guest61090  |  earlier

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Mine is: You're under my roof so therefore you go under my rules.




  1. Vas a ir a misa pa ke se te quite el diablo. lol

  2. They ALWAYS used to sing "You can't always get what you want" by The Rolling Stones!

    Silly parents...

  3. "If your friends jumped off a bridge would you?"

    Of course not. That'd be bad judgement. This is just peer pressure.

  4. "no" thats a phrase i heard way too often

  5. because i said so! that was the worst.

  6. Mine is the same as Supplythemedicine-

    My dad use to say this every time I would complain about walking to school in the rain.

    When I was your age I had to walk in the snow to school for (some obscene number of miles that I know is not true)...


    When my brother and I would get in a fight, my parents would say "Don't make me call santa claus and tell him not stop by our house this year."

    One more they use to say: Whenever I would ask them where they were going they would always say "I'm going to see a man about a horse". That would drive me insane because I wanted to know where they were going lol.

  7. How's it feel to want....

  8. "This hurts me more than it does you" just before I got a beating.

  9. When I was a kid I was one who was having a crappy time of high school, ie: not one of the popular ones, so pretty ostracized. Also my family was very strict so I didn't get to do many activities that I would have liked, and I got very long, severe punishments at the drop of a hat. If I ever complained, they would say something like, "This is the best time of your life, because later on you will have to pay bills."

    WHAT???!!! How is a couple bills--when I will have a job--so much worse than this c**p?!

  10. "Think positively"  While that phrase is true, it's also overrated, and gets your hopes up too high sometimes.  Since it's so overused, it's very annoying.

  11. ive walked 30 miles through rain and snow to get to school.

    seriously now.

    no you didnt.


  12. mine was my mom tellinng me i was as big a w***e as my dad i tryed to live up to her as much as could at the time youth was great,my dad now widowed he is still going at over 70 with a 40 year old GO DAD

  13. Eat your dinner.  There are children starving in Armenia(or whatever country it's happening in at the moment.)

    They'd love to have your food.  And when I tried to tell her to send my dinner to them, she'd get mad at me for sassing her.

  14. ''as long as you live under my roof,you will follow my rules''

    this is my moms excuse for everything.......i mean,wat the h**l?i cant live anywere else at 15 so quit using that :l

  15. ...because I said so

  16. why can't you be like him (their friend's kid)?

  17. "Don't be afraid to hear the same thing twice", which was kind of ironic since they said it so much!

  18. "I don't care when you're eighteen. As long as you're living under my roof and eating my food, you will keep to my rules."

    And then when I talk about getting an apartment they freak out.

    I wonder why I want to get an apartment mom and dad. =_=

  19. eat your dinner.  There are kids in china starving.  I wanted to dig a whole and send them my food.

  20. you need to start acting your age

  21. my dad used to say "when ur hungry that means ur healthy."

    wtf is that supposed to mean?!?!

  22. "if you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all"


    "dont talk to strangers"

    i was like wow im not stupid and if i really am its youre fault cause you made me this way

    ohh parents.. im happy im leaving for college soon

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