
What is the most annoying thing about you?

by  |  earlier

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is there something about you that you hate? that annoys you a lot? cause there's something that annoys me! every time I go to bed and about a few minutes later I would have to go to the bathroom. then when I go back to bed a few minutes later I have to go again.




  1. Well not really annoying but I love to f**t and burp at the same time. When I'm in a room full of people some find it annyoing but others don't until the smell hits their nose.  

  2. Well i am kinda needy/paranoid all the time so that's what i hate about me! My impatience kills me sometimes too so that's what i'm trying to learn! Besides, i usually procrastinate, can't help it! >;[

  3. silly you, as if I would tell IF I had any annoying habits

    oh this is very, very bad I just this very second

    realized my first name is ann as in the first 3 letters

    of the word annoying? this cannot be good


    ok one little thing I tend to feel bad for evil persons like

    my x abusive husb as I feel it must suck to be him and

    have no one like or love you especially since he doesn't

    even like himself that is one sad man

    ps maybe I can change my name????

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